Okay let's proceed with the recipe, what u need are:
2 1/2 cup of flour ( I use self raising flour so no need to put baking powder)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
113 gram butter
1 1/2 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup of buttermilk - if takde buttermilk u can use a cup of susu segar + 3 sudu air perahan lemon
2 oz pewarna merah @ lebih kurang 4 tbsp
1 teaspoon of cuka + soda bikarbonat
For cream cheese frosting:
2 cream cheese ( I use Philadelphia )
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup of castor sugar ( u can adjust according to your preference)
How to do:
For cake, as usual, whisk the butter and sugar hingga kembang and add vanilla essence and kacau lagi.
Then add egg, one by one
Add pewarna merah and kacau till kaler merah sebati
Put 1/3 of flour+cocoa in the butter mixture and pukul hingga sebati and add half of buttermilk ( repeat this process until u finish up all the flour n buttermilk )
Lastly add the soda bikarbonat yg telah dicampur cuka tadi and kacau hingga sebati.
Bake about 30-40 minutes with the 175 celcius degree.
For topping, whisk the butter, cream cheese and sugar hingga kembang, then add the vanilla essence and whisk again..and decorate as per your liking.
before decorate the cake please make sure the cake are completely cool.so the cream cheese batter tak cair.

Okay, that's all. I guess I should post more about my tested recipe here..till next time.. Tata ;)
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