Salam uolsss!!
Lame kan ahkak tak ke udara?? Paham-paham la yer, malas lettewww..
Anyway, sebenarnya ahkak tengah cari rumah sewa area kota bharu..tak kisah la pengkalan chepa ke, kubang kerian ke, lundang ke..asalkan dekat dengan bandar..preferably rumah single storey.ade sape2 boleh tolong tak?? Bukan tolong ape,tolong tanyekan sape2 la kot2 ade yang nak bagi sewa ke..rumah kecik takpe tapi mesti cantik..wakakaka..demand tak agak agak kan?
Susah beno nak cari rumah sewa dekat kb nih..try jugak cari kat tapi asyik la ade yang jauh macam pasir mas, tanah merah..alahaiiii.
Okay, tengok la kalau rajin ahkak ko ke udara lagi malam ni yer..tata darlingsss
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
hello everyone, ni nak habaq mai ni.. ahkak dah start amik order for red velvet cake and cuppies, opera cake, caramel cake, japanese cotton cheesecake, cream cheese chocolate cake and many more!
so if you are from Kota Bharu area, you can order from me via my new facebook account Zee Bakeaholic Series.
if nak tanye ape2 boleh PM ahkak tau..
ni packaging nye.. meriah tak uolssss? kalau uolss cakap tak meriah nanti ahkak sentap! ;p
okay..thats it.. tata..have a good day darlingssss!
hello everyone, ni nak habaq mai ni.. ahkak dah start amik order for red velvet cake and cuppies, opera cake, caramel cake, japanese cotton cheesecake, cream cheese chocolate cake and many more!
so if you are from Kota Bharu area, you can order from me via my new facebook account Zee Bakeaholic Series.
if nak tanye ape2 boleh PM ahkak tau..
ni packaging nye.. meriah tak uolssss? kalau uolss cakap tak meriah nanti ahkak sentap! ;p
okay..thats it.. tata..have a good day darlingssss!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Opera whatt?
Opera cake lorr.. i never tried this cake until i have the urge to bake it and can't stop munching on it..hehehe..
Opera cake is the definition of heaven.... u know why? its because of the combination of almond sponge cake, mocha swiss meringue buttercream and the chocolate ganache.. me love it so much!!
So lets not talk much as i have nothing to say except sedap, lazat and you, you and you (i mean all of u!) should try to bake this cake..hehe
so here's the recipe i copied from Sis Rima's blog..
thanks to her for sharing this wonderful recipe..definitely will bake this again.
200g finely ground almond
100g caster sugar
6 eggs
50g butter, melted
60g all purpose flour
115g egg whites
55g confectioner sugar - i used caster sugar
After making Joconde, here are the key components you cant't skip at all:
Coffee Syrup:
100ml hot brewed espresso - u can of cos use 15g of instant coffee with 100ml hot water
100g sugar
Mocha buttercream
100g egg whites
200g sugar
300g unsalted butter - cubed and chilled and let it out once u start to whip ur egg white/sugar
1/2 tbsp mocha paste
1tsp coffee oil - u can use coffee essence/flavor if u cant find coffee oil
Chocolate Ganache
200g dark chocolate compound
200g milk chocolate compound - i used a mixture of 70%, 64% and 55%)
75g unsalted butter
250 ml fresh cream - i used double cream
200g finely ground almond
100g caster sugar
6 eggs
50g butter, melted
60g all purpose flour
115g egg whites
55g confectioner sugar - i used caster sugar
-Preheat oven to 200C.. Prepare two pans (20 x 20 cm), greased and lined with baking paper.
-In a large bowl combine ground almond, caster sugar and 3 eggs, beat at high speed for 10 minutes, scraping often.
-Add remaining eggs one at a time, continue to beat for another 10 minutes.
Stir in 4 tbsp of almond mixture into melted butter and mix till well combined, set aside.
-Add sifted flour to the remaining almond mixture, mix well... put aside
In another bowl, beat egg whites til foamy, add sugar gradually and continue to beat until soft peaks formed.
-Take 1/3 of egg white and pour into almond mixture and mix it gently.. pour back almond mixture into the remaining 2/3 egg white mixture and continue to fold in gently.. dont overmix or u might deflate ur egg white..
-Divide and spread into prepared pans, bake both pans at once for 20 mins in 175C. Cool completely, remove from pans, discard paper and slice it into total 4 layers.
Coffee Syrup:
100ml hot brewed espresso - u can of cos use 15g of instant coffee with 100ml hot water
100g sugar
Mocha buttercream
100g egg whites
200g sugar
300g unsalted butter - cubed and chilled and let it out once u start to whip ur egg white/sugar
1/2 tbsp mocha paste
1tsp coffee oil - u can use coffee essence/flavor if u cant find coffee oil
Chocolate Ganache
200g dark chocolate compound
200g milk chocolate compound - i used a mixture of 70%, 64% and 55%)
75g unsalted butter
250 ml fresh cream - i used double cream
Coffee Syrup:
Mix all ingredients, stirring until sugar dissolves. Set aside.
Mocha buttercream:
1. Using double boiler.. heat egg white and sugar till sugar dissolved - use ur thermometer ok.. heat till 65C..
2. Pour egg white mixture into ur mixing bowl and whisk using high speed till mixture turns glossy.. add in cubed butter one at a time and continue to beat till its slightly fluffy.. (buttercream texture)
3. Add in coffee oil, mocha paste and 50ml of coffee syrup into buttercream.. stir till well combined.. set aside
Chocolate Ganache:
1. Chop the chocolate into small pieces.
2. Heat cream until warm. Remove from heat and pour it over chocolate.. let it sit for 5 mins and stir
3. Add in butter and continue to stir well again.
4. Put it aside till it thickens.
There are various way to assemble Opera, you can find many on internet. Heres my version..
- Place one sheet of joconde upside down (top of the cake on bottomside).
- Brush thoroughly with coffee syrup until moist.
- Spread one part of coffee cream evenly over the cake.
- Cover with another sheet of joconde, always upside down.
- Brush thoroughly with coffee syrup until moist
- Cover with thick ganache and cover with another sheet of joconde.
- Repeat above steps until all joconde, coffee cream and ganache are stacked completely. Chill for 10 minutes.
- Double boil remaining ganache over low heat just until simmer, pour evenly on the top. Chill for another 30mins.
- Trim the sides thinly to remove excess cream & ganache to reveal the layers of art and delicacy.
Serve it as a luxurious semifreddo dessert on your special occasion.
tak pernah dengar kan orang amik tempahan for this opera cake? hmmm.. aci tak kalau ahkak amik order if sape2 nak?? hehehhe
ok..uolss layan je gambar ni yer..penat ahkak ambik gambar tau.. ;p
ok..till next entry..tata..
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Ting ting ting!!!! attention attention...
nih nak bagitau sesiapa yang pakai Clinique and stay kat kota bharu, tapi xtau nak beli kat mana bila stock dah habis... almaklumla kat kb kan takde counter clinique.. ahkak before ni punye la menggagau kirim kat kawan yg stay kat kl suh beli.dahtu gi kl pn bukannye selalu kan.
so korang boleh la g parkson kb level 1 kot..alaa kat jual parfume tu la.. kat situ ada satu kiosk untuk order online (betul2 tepi esculator), korang pilih la ape2 brand skincare @ parfume yang takde kat parkson kb dalam dia punyer e-catalogue tu then click add to shopping cart then click check out (paham tak ahkak ko bagitau nih?).. kalau xreti jugak korang panggil je SA suh tolong buatkan utk korang.senang citer.
barang2 either from parkson kl atau parkson kuantan...depends on the availability of the product yg korang nak la..okay dah.ahkak nak mandi dulu.tata
Friday, October 21, 2011
My photography skill sucks! still banyak nak kena polish.. but i think its okay for a beginner like me..hew hew(popular kan hewhew hanis zalikha ni )...
ni gambar ambik time nak dekat maghrib dah. so there's no direct sunlight.. ahkak pun hentam saje la. dari takde gambar baik ade kan uolss..
resepi cream puff ni adapted from kak rima.. she's one good baker i tell u.. *wave and hi to kak rima ..hehe
sedap and lemak berkrim je this cream puff.. actually this is my second time buat.. first buat yesterday tapi tak berapa nak cukup. so ahkak yang rajin ni buat once again today..
ingredients A85g butter
200g water
1tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
Ingredients B
120g flour
1/2tsp double acting powder (i used self raising flour and 1/2tsp of baking powder)
Ingredients C
3 eggs (180g)
1/4 tsp vanilla oil
Mix well ingredients A, bring to a boil and turn off fire
Add ingredient B and mixed into a smooth dough
Leave dough to cool, transfer to mixing bowl and add eggs gradually, blend well
Spoon a spoonful of dough mixture and push it onto a baking tray by using another spoon (i pipe my mixture)
Bake at a preheated oven at 200C for 20mins till golden brown
When puff cool down, slit an opening at the side by using a pair of scissors, fill it with fillings of ur choice.
Cream Patisserie
240ml milk
5tbsp castor sugar
1/2tsp vanilla essence
1egg+2egg yolks
2tbsp cornstarch
Mix 60ml of milk with cornstarch till smooth
Add the beaten egg and yolks into the cornstarch mixture
Boil the remaining milk with sugar in a saucepan till bubbling hot. Pour 1/3 of this hot milk into the egg cornstarch mixture. Stirring constantly till mixture thicken. Do not burn the custard
Cling wrap custard with glad wrap with the wrap touching the surface of the custard (this is to prevent a hard film forming on surface of the custard) and chill till ready to use.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Some of my friend has been asking ahkak the recipe of this gorgeous and colorful rainbow cake and I decided to post it out here so everyone can copy this recipe and its easy for me some more..
i have been drooling for this rainbow cake for quite some time until i have the courage to bake it on last thursday. Thank god it turns out to be good! errrr except for the almond flavor that i used instead of lemon no likey the almond flavor, it gives me headache.hahah.. next attempt, vanilla flavor it is!
Rainbow Cake
Adapted from Dorie Greenspan
2 1/4 cups cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
4 large egg whites
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
4 large egg whites
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
120gm unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Gel or powder food coloring
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and put a rack in the middle or upper third of the oven. Butter two 5 inch pans and line with buttered parchment paper.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. I whisked the mixture using hand for about 1 minute.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer on medium speed for a full 3 minutes until very light and fluffy.
Beat in half of the egg-buttermilk mixture, then flour mixture, then the last of the egg-buttermilk mixture, and finally the last of the flour, beating until the batter is smooth. Beat the entire batter on medium high for two minutes until completely smooth and mixed.
4. Divide the batter in 6, dye each batter with different colour. Bake 20 minutes, rotating halfway through, or until a thin knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pans five minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. To ensure moistness, once the cakes are cooled, wrap immediately and chill.
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
120gm unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Gel or powder food coloring
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and put a rack in the middle or upper third of the oven. Butter two 5 inch pans and line with buttered parchment paper.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. I whisked the mixture using hand for about 1 minute.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer on medium speed for a full 3 minutes until very light and fluffy.
Beat in half of the egg-buttermilk mixture, then flour mixture, then the last of the egg-buttermilk mixture, and finally the last of the flour, beating until the batter is smooth. Beat the entire batter on medium high for two minutes until completely smooth and mixed.
4. Divide the batter in 6, dye each batter with different colour. Bake 20 minutes, rotating halfway through, or until a thin knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pans five minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. To ensure moistness, once the cakes are cooled, wrap immediately and chill.
For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 ounces mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 ounces mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.
Meriah tak kek ahkak u olsssss??? kalau tak meriah awassss!! (this is Kak Senduk version) wakakaka..he's so funny..
i think i should learn how to watermark my picture.. barula vassss ala2 food blog .. tak gittew ahkak2 sekalian? muahaha..
okay darlsss...thats it for today..hope u try the recipe and feel free to ask me anything..much love.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Really impressed with the quality of canon EOS 60D.. Keep taking picture wherever i go...almaklum la,jakun katakan... Hewhew ala ala hanis zalikha once more... ;p
Oppsss sorry..ade lagi
The food..
Okay, last subject for today adalah air kelapa.
sekian laporan dari Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kelantan
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Trying on my new canon EOS 60D...
Xnyempat nak senyum nampak gigi..hewhew ala ala hanis zalikha... ;p
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sorry for the lack of update....i am so so so what?? Hewhew...whatever la.. Actually ramai yang dok PM-ed, sms-ed and bbm-ed me bertanya pasal resepi puding cendol yang menjadi pujaan ituuu.. I got the recipe from MyRecipe, so i just copy and paste it here okay ladies.. Credit to the recipe owner, i forgot the name lah..Sorry kakak.. :)

Sorry gambar kelam and suram sket sebab snap pakai bb.
Bahan-bahan ( 10 x 10 x 1 inci )
Bagi Lapisan Bawah
500ml air
180gm gula pasir
300ml santan pekat
10gm agar - agar powder
500gm cendol
sedikit garam
Bagi Lapisan Atas
500ml air
200gm gula merah
300ml santan pekat
10gm agar - agar powder
1 biji kuning telur
sedikit garam
Bagi Lapisan Bawah
Masakkan air, agar-agar powder dan gula sehingga mendidih.
Masukkan santan dan garam. Biarkan mendidih sedikit.
Masukkan cendol. Kacau sedikit. Angkat. Tuangkan kedalam acuan. Tips : untuk acuan. Basahkan dengan sedikit air. Lapikkan dengan plastic (saiz plastic mestilah lebih besar dari acuan) supaya mudah keluarkan dari acuan nanti untuk dipotong.
Bagi Lapisan Atas
Masakan gula merah dengan sedikit air (drp 500ml dalam resepi ye) sehingga gula hancur. Tapiskan air gula.
Masukkan air gula + baki air dan agar-agar powder. Masak sehingga mendidih.
Kocoh kuning telur di dalam santan. Tuangkan santan kedalam adunan. Masukkan garam. Biar mendidih sekejab. Padamkan api.
Tips : Sebelum tuang adunan atas, pastikan adunan bawah sudah keras dan cucuk dengan garpu di serata adunan.
Tips 2 : Tuang adunan lapisan atas perlahan-lahan. Sebaik-baiknya tahan adunan dengan sudu supaya adunan jatuh dengan perlahan.
Selamat mencuba! Tata!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sorry gambar kelam and suram sket sebab snap pakai bb.
Bahan-bahan ( 10 x 10 x 1 inci )
Bagi Lapisan Bawah
500ml air
180gm gula pasir
300ml santan pekat
10gm agar - agar powder
500gm cendol
sedikit garam
Bagi Lapisan Atas
500ml air
200gm gula merah
300ml santan pekat
10gm agar - agar powder
1 biji kuning telur
sedikit garam
Bagi Lapisan Bawah
Masakkan air, agar-agar powder dan gula sehingga mendidih.
Masukkan santan dan garam. Biarkan mendidih sedikit.
Masukkan cendol. Kacau sedikit. Angkat. Tuangkan kedalam acuan. Tips : untuk acuan. Basahkan dengan sedikit air. Lapikkan dengan plastic (saiz plastic mestilah lebih besar dari acuan) supaya mudah keluarkan dari acuan nanti untuk dipotong.
Bagi Lapisan Atas
Masakan gula merah dengan sedikit air (drp 500ml dalam resepi ye) sehingga gula hancur. Tapiskan air gula.
Masukkan air gula + baki air dan agar-agar powder. Masak sehingga mendidih.
Kocoh kuning telur di dalam santan. Tuangkan santan kedalam adunan. Masukkan garam. Biar mendidih sekejab. Padamkan api.
Tips : Sebelum tuang adunan atas, pastikan adunan bawah sudah keras dan cucuk dengan garpu di serata adunan.
Tips 2 : Tuang adunan lapisan atas perlahan-lahan. Sebaik-baiknya tahan adunan dengan sudu supaya adunan jatuh dengan perlahan.
Selamat mencuba! Tata!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Salam peeps,
Bersiaran lagi kita di pagi sabtu yang agak gloomy di kota bharu ni...i wonder bagaimana keadaan kat kl right now...well u know what im talking about kan..the perhimpunan tertutup dekat stadium tu..i dont dare to talk more about it..nanti my blog dh jadi blog politik pulak.heee
Ok enough about the politic thingy, ni nak share one of the recipe i took from blog kak azlita masam manis.. Its choc orange pudding guysssssss!
Taste wise, yang kaler oren tu taste like puding buih those yg fancy puding buih tu mesti suka..But i prefer the choc pudding layer.. Delish i tell u..
so i just copy and paste the recipe here okay..

Copy from : kak ita masam manis
Resepi asal by: nunun
Lapisan Coklat
1/2 peket agar2 serbuk - angaran 6-8 gm
400 ml susu cair
125 gm gula pasir - ita kurangkan kepada 100 gm, boleh kurangkan lagi jika tak suka manis
2 sudu makan serbuk koko - boleh tambah jika sukakan lebih rasa coklat tapi jangan banyak sangat nanti pahit pulak.
2 biji kuning telur - dikocok
1 sudu kecil choc emulco - ita tambah
Masak agar2, susu, gula dan serbuk koko dgn api perlahan sambil dikacau sehingga mendidih.
Ambil sedikit agar2 campurkan ke dalam kuning telur yang telah di kocok terlebih dahulu tadi.
kacau rata, kemudian tuangkan semula ke dalam agar2 tadi dan kacau sempurna.
Tuangkan ke dalam loyang segi empat yg sudah di bilas dgn air terlebih dahulu. Bekukan.
Cara Ita
Ita masak dulu agar2 dengan 100 ml air dan gula hingga agar larut, kemudian ita masukkan susu, oleh kerana ita dah masukkan 100 ml air jadi sukatan susu ita kurangkan kepada 300 ml sahaja. Kemudian ita masukkan koko dan choc emulco dan kacau rata hingga mendidih. Kemudian ambil sedikit adunan ita campurkan dgn telur yg telah di kocok tadi, kacau rata. Kemudian ita tuang semula dalam adunan tadi dan kacau rata.
Tuang dalam loyang segi empat sama yg telah di bilas dgn air terlebih dahulu dan bekukan. Kemudian ita lobangkan- lobangkan dgn menggunakan straw minuman yg bersaiz besar. Masa buat lubang tu jangan lupa tutup muncung straw dgn jari rapat supaya mudah kita menarik keluar lebihan puding.
Lapisan Oren
1/2 peket agar2 serbuk - angaran 6-8 gm
300 ml susu cair
125 gm gula pasir - ita kurangkan kepada 100 gm
200 gm limau manderin kisar
3 sudu makan sirap oren - ita guna sunquick
pewarna oren secukupnya
2 putih telur - dipukul sampai kaku
Masak agar2, susu, gula pasir sampai didih. Kecilkan api
Campurkan limau kisar ke dalam agar2.
Tambahkan sirap oren dan pewarna.
Angkat lalu campurkan dgn putih telur. Kacau rata.
Tuangkan atas lapisan coklat dan bekukan.
Cara Ita
Ita masak dulu agar2 dgn 100 ml air dan gula hingga agar2 larut. Kemudian ita tuangkan susu dan masukkan 3 sudu besar sunquick. Masa kita masukkan oren susu akan berketul jangan risau..
Pukul putih telur guna stand mixer hingga kaku. Kemudian tuangkan aduna agar2 oren tadi ke dalam putih telur dan terus putar hingga rata. Tambahkan pewarna oren dan terus putar.
Ambil sesenduk adunan masukkan dalam plastik atau piping bag dan picitkan dalam setiap lubang. masa ni kena pastikan ia masuk sempurna kalau tidak nanti bila kita potong terdapat ruang udara. Buat cepat2 kerana puding cepat mengeras. Kemudian baru tuangkan lebihan puding diatasnya dan ratakan.
pastikan mixer sentiasa berputar masa kita buat ni supaya puding tidak cepat mengeras.
Selamat mencuba...
Till next entry okay...tata
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Bersiaran lagi kita di pagi sabtu yang agak gloomy di kota bharu ni...i wonder bagaimana keadaan kat kl right now...well u know what im talking about kan..the perhimpunan tertutup dekat stadium tu..i dont dare to talk more about it..nanti my blog dh jadi blog politik pulak.heee
Ok enough about the politic thingy, ni nak share one of the recipe i took from blog kak azlita masam manis.. Its choc orange pudding guysssssss!
Taste wise, yang kaler oren tu taste like puding buih those yg fancy puding buih tu mesti suka..But i prefer the choc pudding layer.. Delish i tell u..
so i just copy and paste the recipe here okay..

Copy from : kak ita masam manis
Resepi asal by: nunun
Lapisan Coklat
1/2 peket agar2 serbuk - angaran 6-8 gm
400 ml susu cair
125 gm gula pasir - ita kurangkan kepada 100 gm, boleh kurangkan lagi jika tak suka manis
2 sudu makan serbuk koko - boleh tambah jika sukakan lebih rasa coklat tapi jangan banyak sangat nanti pahit pulak.
2 biji kuning telur - dikocok
1 sudu kecil choc emulco - ita tambah
Masak agar2, susu, gula dan serbuk koko dgn api perlahan sambil dikacau sehingga mendidih.
Ambil sedikit agar2 campurkan ke dalam kuning telur yang telah di kocok terlebih dahulu tadi.
kacau rata, kemudian tuangkan semula ke dalam agar2 tadi dan kacau sempurna.
Tuangkan ke dalam loyang segi empat yg sudah di bilas dgn air terlebih dahulu. Bekukan.
Cara Ita
Ita masak dulu agar2 dengan 100 ml air dan gula hingga agar larut, kemudian ita masukkan susu, oleh kerana ita dah masukkan 100 ml air jadi sukatan susu ita kurangkan kepada 300 ml sahaja. Kemudian ita masukkan koko dan choc emulco dan kacau rata hingga mendidih. Kemudian ambil sedikit adunan ita campurkan dgn telur yg telah di kocok tadi, kacau rata. Kemudian ita tuang semula dalam adunan tadi dan kacau rata.
Tuang dalam loyang segi empat sama yg telah di bilas dgn air terlebih dahulu dan bekukan. Kemudian ita lobangkan- lobangkan dgn menggunakan straw minuman yg bersaiz besar. Masa buat lubang tu jangan lupa tutup muncung straw dgn jari rapat supaya mudah kita menarik keluar lebihan puding.
Lapisan Oren
1/2 peket agar2 serbuk - angaran 6-8 gm
300 ml susu cair
125 gm gula pasir - ita kurangkan kepada 100 gm
200 gm limau manderin kisar
3 sudu makan sirap oren - ita guna sunquick
pewarna oren secukupnya
2 putih telur - dipukul sampai kaku
Masak agar2, susu, gula pasir sampai didih. Kecilkan api
Campurkan limau kisar ke dalam agar2.
Tambahkan sirap oren dan pewarna.
Angkat lalu campurkan dgn putih telur. Kacau rata.
Tuangkan atas lapisan coklat dan bekukan.
Cara Ita
Ita masak dulu agar2 dgn 100 ml air dan gula hingga agar2 larut. Kemudian ita tuangkan susu dan masukkan 3 sudu besar sunquick. Masa kita masukkan oren susu akan berketul jangan risau..
Pukul putih telur guna stand mixer hingga kaku. Kemudian tuangkan aduna agar2 oren tadi ke dalam putih telur dan terus putar hingga rata. Tambahkan pewarna oren dan terus putar.
Ambil sesenduk adunan masukkan dalam plastik atau piping bag dan picitkan dalam setiap lubang. masa ni kena pastikan ia masuk sempurna kalau tidak nanti bila kita potong terdapat ruang udara. Buat cepat2 kerana puding cepat mengeras. Kemudian baru tuangkan lebihan puding diatasnya dan ratakan.
pastikan mixer sentiasa berputar masa kita buat ni supaya puding tidak cepat mengeras.
Selamat mencuba...
Till next entry okay...tata
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Monday, June 20, 2011
A very short trip

Okay iklan gambar diri sendiri jap...sape la yang tak suka camwhore yer dak?....heeee..sampai kl lebih kurang kul 4... Malam tu me and hubby bubbly gi tengok X-men first class.. Best jugak movie tu...kalau movie Super 8 memang kelaut kau... Tak best langsung sampai tertido aku dalam panggung, punyer la boring citer tu...for me, Super 8 tu citer budak2... Entah ape2 ntah..ishh!

Time ni dah midnight kot.. Me and hubby turun minum kat hotel lounge with a few of hubby's friend..tu nampak tak kat blakang aku tu ade perempuan philipine tengah nyanyi menari berjoget tak hengat.. Naik terbuntang mata laki eden nengok... Dah kena cubit peha baru nak berkelip...ish..
Nape burok sangat muka aku dalam gambar ni?...abaikan pls..

Wehuuu...muka ceria before kena marah dengan laki eden.. Mase ni hubby gi meeting so i keluar berlalala dengan kawan i, dia gi ambik kat hotel..mase tengah makan tu hubby call suruh balik sebab dia habis meeting awal...siap suh aku naik cab lagi..sejam setengah lepas tu baru ak balik hotel..wahahaha...padahal pavilion dengan hotel aku stay tu tak sampai 10 minit pun..

Okay, sempat lagi bergambar mesra before balik hotel.. Masa ni dah dapat rasa dah aura nak kena marah dengan laki..hiksss..
Sampai je hotel terus hubby bubbly ku masam..takuttttt..lepas tu kena marah kauuu..tapi i okay lagi.. Malam tu keluar g klcc gi tengok movie, memang dia jalan sebatu dengan i okay.. Lepas tu ada budak menangis meraung dalam keta (aku ler tu)... Wahahaha.. Mak nangis juga akhirnya..
Kekdahnya esok i merajuk membawa diri tak nak shopping.. Gi euro moda senyap, hubby ajak g pavi pun ego cakap tak nak..last last melepas.. Uwaaa!!.. Ku tak sempat shopping punn.. Oh sedih seribu kali sedih pun tak guna, nasi dah jadi bubur, cempedak dah jadi apehal tetiba jer nasi la cempedak lak ni..
Okay la..i think i shud stop merepeking.. Tapi hopefully hubby nak gi kl before puasa ni..kalau tak, suram la hari rayaku tanpa selipar dan handbag raya baru... Sobsobsob.. Zrettttttt *sedut hingus
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Salam peeps,
Dah lame gambar si bruchetta enak ni dok terperap dalam draft.. Selalu je ahkak kau ni forgot nak edit the recipe of benda alah kat bawah ni...heee.. Sorry olll..( tetiba feeling macam ramai je yang baca blog sememeh ni)...kononnye la..

Okay la, kita proceed dengan resepi nya but ahkak takde resepi yang accurate tau..ahkak main cecampak je dalam periuk tu.. Eh ni kenapa tetiba membahasakan diri sendiri ahkak ni?? Feeling old?eh. ;p
Bahan-bahannya adalah:
Chicken breast

Ground blackpepper

Celery atau dalam bahasa malaysia nye saderi

Bawang besar

White button mushroom

Chicken stock cube

Whipping cream

French loaf

1. Chicken breast tu poyong dadu. Gaulkan dengan blackpepper and garam secukup rasa. Then saute/goreng dengan olive oil..kejap je,jangan sampai garing. Lepas tu angkat letak tepi dulu.
2. Guna frying pan sama yang saute ayam tadi, celery and onion tu potong dadu, then tumis dengan olive oil atau minyak ape pun boleh jerr.
3. Then, campak la mushroom yang telah di-slice nipis2..kacau sampai kaler brown light2 gitu okey babeh.. Lepas tu boleh letak garlic sket..
4.Tuang air ke dalam periuk tadi lebih kurang 250ml-300ml gitu la..pandai2 la kamu agak yer.. N masukkan 1 cube chicken stock.kalau takut masin cuba letak half dulu then rasa... So kalau nak masin lagi sila tambah la yer.
5. Masukkan ayam tadi.. Lepas tu boleh tambah tepung gandum lebih kurang 1/2 sudu @ 1 sudu besar gitu untuk pekatkan lagi sos tu..kacau.
6. Tuang whipping cream. Pandai2 la agak yer..ahkak pun main hentam je taruk.kacau sampai pekat sket..tutup api.(tu pun kena cakap eh?)
7.french loaf tu potong serong2... Sapu butter sket then scoop la chicken n mushroom tadi..lepas tu tabur dengan mozarella cheese then baked for a few minutes sampai cheese tu cair..
8. Lepas tu boleh ngappp la, ape lagi kan..heeee
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Dah lame gambar si bruchetta enak ni dok terperap dalam draft.. Selalu je ahkak kau ni forgot nak edit the recipe of benda alah kat bawah ni...heee.. Sorry olll..( tetiba feeling macam ramai je yang baca blog sememeh ni)...kononnye la..

Okay la, kita proceed dengan resepi nya but ahkak takde resepi yang accurate tau..ahkak main cecampak je dalam periuk tu.. Eh ni kenapa tetiba membahasakan diri sendiri ahkak ni?? Feeling old?eh. ;p
Bahan-bahannya adalah:
Chicken breast

Ground blackpepper

Celery atau dalam bahasa malaysia nye saderi

Bawang besar

White button mushroom

Chicken stock cube

Whipping cream

French loaf

1. Chicken breast tu poyong dadu. Gaulkan dengan blackpepper and garam secukup rasa. Then saute/goreng dengan olive oil..kejap je,jangan sampai garing. Lepas tu angkat letak tepi dulu.
2. Guna frying pan sama yang saute ayam tadi, celery and onion tu potong dadu, then tumis dengan olive oil atau minyak ape pun boleh jerr.
3. Then, campak la mushroom yang telah di-slice nipis2..kacau sampai kaler brown light2 gitu okey babeh.. Lepas tu boleh letak garlic sket..
4.Tuang air ke dalam periuk tadi lebih kurang 250ml-300ml gitu la..pandai2 la kamu agak yer.. N masukkan 1 cube chicken stock.kalau takut masin cuba letak half dulu then rasa... So kalau nak masin lagi sila tambah la yer.
5. Masukkan ayam tadi.. Lepas tu boleh tambah tepung gandum lebih kurang 1/2 sudu @ 1 sudu besar gitu untuk pekatkan lagi sos tu..kacau.
6. Tuang whipping cream. Pandai2 la agak yer..ahkak pun main hentam je taruk.kacau sampai pekat sket..tutup api.(tu pun kena cakap eh?)
7.french loaf tu potong serong2... Sapu butter sket then scoop la chicken n mushroom tadi..lepas tu tabur dengan mozarella cheese then baked for a few minutes sampai cheese tu cair..
8. Lepas tu boleh ngappp la, ape lagi kan..heeee
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Friday, June 17, 2011
IN LOVE WITH.............
Hello there...since i came back from KL, i missed baking a lot.. Or it might be that i am so in love with baking now..hehe..i guess its my newly-discovered hobby.hihi
So i decided to bake something with fruit filling inside.. Anddddd, here's my first time ever blueberry cheese tart.

This is how the pastry looks like before i bake them. Actually, the recipe for pastry i think is just the same with butter cookies... Well you know, the basic things like butter, egg, icing sugar and flour...very easy one.

After i baked them, i just susun dalam paper cup... Masa ni rupa pastry buruk sikit..hehehe...maklum la, first time buat benda ni..hehe

Then part yang i love the most is when i pipe the cream cheese tu.....syok je rasa. But before tu kena scoop blueberry filling first yer.. Kat bakery shop ade jual macam2 jenis filling.. So ikut tekak masing2 la yer nak strawberry filling ke, kiwi filling..

Macam mane?? Looks tempting? Yes? No?....agak agak kalau jual ada orang nak beli tak? Hehehehe..
Ok peeps..till next time..tata!
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So i decided to bake something with fruit filling inside.. Anddddd, here's my first time ever blueberry cheese tart.

This is how the pastry looks like before i bake them. Actually, the recipe for pastry i think is just the same with butter cookies... Well you know, the basic things like butter, egg, icing sugar and flour...very easy one.

After i baked them, i just susun dalam paper cup... Masa ni rupa pastry buruk sikit..hehehe...maklum la, first time buat benda ni..hehe

Then part yang i love the most is when i pipe the cream cheese tu.....syok je rasa. But before tu kena scoop blueberry filling first yer.. Kat bakery shop ade jual macam2 jenis filling.. So ikut tekak masing2 la yer nak strawberry filling ke, kiwi filling..

Macam mane?? Looks tempting? Yes? No?....agak agak kalau jual ada orang nak beli tak? Hehehehe..
Ok peeps..till next time..tata!
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Monday, June 13, 2011
Salam peeps....
Ni nak cerita ceriti pasal life as a wife and a degree holder of....???? Cer teka cer teka apedia....hehe
Actually aku dah lama habis belajar,since july 2010 lagi...last paper audit tu aku buat shortcourse (mesti dah boleh teka course ape kan?aku dah bagi hint dah.kalau tak tahu jugak sendiri google la)... Okay kita sambung balik... Tu pasal la orang lain habis bulan may tapi aku habis july.. Pastu aku konvo december 2010. Masa tu pergi dengan hubby je sebab my mom tak jadi pergi, risau kot kot kampung halamanku di landa banjir, kan tak pasal pasal menangis air mata darah tengok kereta dua bijik terapung.. Okay berbalik pada cerita konvo tadi, masa konvo ya Allah memang panassssss ya hampun omakkauuu...dah la dengan jubah dan topi atas kepala tu...

Nampak tak muka ku yang kemerahan tu...tak tahan panas sangat.wuwuwuu.
Okay berbalik pasal shortcouse tadi, masa tu aku buat shortcouse dengan my close friend iaitu dila, yang kini telah pun selamat menjadi bini orang dan sedang berusaha menjadi chef untuk family in law nye...hehehe..dia lepas grad kejap terus dapat kerja..murah rezeki kawan aku ni..

cantikkan pelamin dia..sweet sesangat..
Okay, udah udah ler tu flashback...moh kite bercakap pasal manusia yang dah berkurun grad tapi tak jugak kerja (aku ler tu)...wuwuwuw...sedih beno bunyi nyer.. Sebenarnya bukan ku taknak kerja tapi kerja taknak kat aku..wakakaka..Ayat tak mau kalah..
Semenjak aku digelar graduate ni baru dua kali pergi interview tapi sampai kesudahhhhh senyap jer tak panggil aku datang kerja...oh sadis okay.tapi takpe.rezeki ade dimana mana samaada di darat,laut dan juga langit ( aerospace included skali tak?) hehe...
So disebabkan susah kerja di kota bharu ini makanya, here i am being a housewife..TEMPORARY okay.siap taip upper case lagi supaya orang nampak..hehe.. Bukan jadi housewife selama lamanya sampai ketua... Sebab if tak kerja aku rasa aku seorang yang loser..orang lain takpe la suami dia jutawan so dia tak payah kerja..aku ni nafsu tinggi bebeno, tak boleh tak kerja walaupun sekarang ni aku telah menganggur secara rasminya lebih kurang 11 bulan macam tu terpaksa la laki eden bersabar dengan nafsu eden yang yang membuak buak ini..heyy!! Ni bukan nafsu yang XXX tu tau... Ni nafsu membeli belah yang datangnya dari luhur hati seorang wanita okay! Ada paham ka?
Memang this couple of months ak boring sesangat..boring okay..mesti ada yang cakap, 'best la tak payah kerja,boleh dok kat rumah goyang kaki pastu ada orang tanggung'......jawapannya adalah best dan tidak best.. Yang best nye mestilah sebab boleh bangun lambat,tak macam orang lain yang kerja tu memang kena bangun awal.. And yang tak bestnya adalah keboringan yang tahap dia memang melampaui batas sehingga sometimes aku tak boleh nak tolerate lagi dan menyebabkan aku asyik nak tido jer walaupun tak korang paham tak disitu...aku rasa makin hari makin bengap pun ada.. Dah la kat kota bharu takde pavilion, klcc segala....kadang kadang boring sampai tahap nak muntah pun ada..uwekkkk...
Aku rasa aku dah melalut ni...baik ku berhenti disini saja sebab perut ku sudah berbunyi mintak di top up...hikssss..
Till next entry ok...tata
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Ni nak cerita ceriti pasal life as a wife and a degree holder of....???? Cer teka cer teka apedia....hehe
Actually aku dah lama habis belajar,since july 2010 lagi...last paper audit tu aku buat shortcourse (mesti dah boleh teka course ape kan?aku dah bagi hint dah.kalau tak tahu jugak sendiri google la)... Okay kita sambung balik... Tu pasal la orang lain habis bulan may tapi aku habis july.. Pastu aku konvo december 2010. Masa tu pergi dengan hubby je sebab my mom tak jadi pergi, risau kot kot kampung halamanku di landa banjir, kan tak pasal pasal menangis air mata darah tengok kereta dua bijik terapung.. Okay berbalik pada cerita konvo tadi, masa konvo ya Allah memang panassssss ya hampun omakkauuu...dah la dengan jubah dan topi atas kepala tu...

Nampak tak muka ku yang kemerahan tu...tak tahan panas sangat.wuwuwuu.
Okay berbalik pasal shortcouse tadi, masa tu aku buat shortcouse dengan my close friend iaitu dila, yang kini telah pun selamat menjadi bini orang dan sedang berusaha menjadi chef untuk family in law nye...hehehe..dia lepas grad kejap terus dapat kerja..murah rezeki kawan aku ni..

cantikkan pelamin dia..sweet sesangat..
Okay, udah udah ler tu flashback...moh kite bercakap pasal manusia yang dah berkurun grad tapi tak jugak kerja (aku ler tu)...wuwuwuw...sedih beno bunyi nyer.. Sebenarnya bukan ku taknak kerja tapi kerja taknak kat aku..wakakaka..Ayat tak mau kalah..
Semenjak aku digelar graduate ni baru dua kali pergi interview tapi sampai kesudahhhhh senyap jer tak panggil aku datang kerja...oh sadis okay.tapi takpe.rezeki ade dimana mana samaada di darat,laut dan juga langit ( aerospace included skali tak?) hehe...
So disebabkan susah kerja di kota bharu ini makanya, here i am being a housewife..TEMPORARY okay.siap taip upper case lagi supaya orang nampak..hehe.. Bukan jadi housewife selama lamanya sampai ketua... Sebab if tak kerja aku rasa aku seorang yang loser..orang lain takpe la suami dia jutawan so dia tak payah kerja..aku ni nafsu tinggi bebeno, tak boleh tak kerja walaupun sekarang ni aku telah menganggur secara rasminya lebih kurang 11 bulan macam tu terpaksa la laki eden bersabar dengan nafsu eden yang yang membuak buak ini..heyy!! Ni bukan nafsu yang XXX tu tau... Ni nafsu membeli belah yang datangnya dari luhur hati seorang wanita okay! Ada paham ka?
Memang this couple of months ak boring sesangat..boring okay..mesti ada yang cakap, 'best la tak payah kerja,boleh dok kat rumah goyang kaki pastu ada orang tanggung'......jawapannya adalah best dan tidak best.. Yang best nye mestilah sebab boleh bangun lambat,tak macam orang lain yang kerja tu memang kena bangun awal.. And yang tak bestnya adalah keboringan yang tahap dia memang melampaui batas sehingga sometimes aku tak boleh nak tolerate lagi dan menyebabkan aku asyik nak tido jer walaupun tak korang paham tak disitu...aku rasa makin hari makin bengap pun ada.. Dah la kat kota bharu takde pavilion, klcc segala....kadang kadang boring sampai tahap nak muntah pun ada..uwekkkk...
Aku rasa aku dah melalut ni...baik ku berhenti disini saja sebab perut ku sudah berbunyi mintak di top up...hikssss..
Till next entry ok...tata
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Cerita ini takde tajuk..boleh?
Salam dari kota bharu....hmmm, taktau nak cakap ape pun sebenarnya cuma ku rasa happy sebab lusa ku nak pergi jalan-jalan dengan dot dot....dengan sape lagi, op kos la dengan suami yer dak?
Actually bukan jalan jalan sangat pun, teman suami meeting so boleh la ku nak ber-lalalala dengan girlfriend kat sana..hehe.. Yer la, ku kan jadi temporary housewife sekarang, sangat la boring asyik dok kat rumah jer.dapat gi jalan jalan macam ni pun dah happy to the max wa cakap lu..

Nampak tak muka happy ku itu? Kalau tak nampak maka memang orang itu sungguh malang.wakakaka!
Ok dah ku mahu mandi dulu..udah macem...tata!
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Since a few of my friend been asking about the recipe of red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, I'd like to share the recipe here. Basically for a big round layer cake or cupcake, I still use the same recipe. It's just that if u nak buat cupcake u just scoop in paper cup and if nak buat yang sebiji tu u can use loyang yang 8 @ 9 inch..
Okay let's proceed with the recipe, what u need are:
2 1/2 cup of flour ( I use self raising flour so no need to put baking powder)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
113 gram butter
1 1/2 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup of buttermilk - if takde buttermilk u can use a cup of susu segar + 3 sudu air perahan lemon
2 oz pewarna merah @ lebih kurang 4 tbsp
1 teaspoon of cuka + soda bikarbonat
For cream cheese frosting:
2 cream cheese ( I use Philadelphia )
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup of castor sugar ( u can adjust according to your preference)
How to do:
For cake, as usual, whisk the butter and sugar hingga kembang and add vanilla essence and kacau lagi.
Then add egg, one by one
Add pewarna merah and kacau till kaler merah sebati
Put 1/3 of flour+cocoa in the butter mixture and pukul hingga sebati and add half of buttermilk ( repeat this process until u finish up all the flour n buttermilk )
Lastly add the soda bikarbonat yg telah dicampur cuka tadi and kacau hingga sebati.
Bake about 30-40 minutes with the 175 celcius degree.
For topping, whisk the butter, cream cheese and sugar hingga kembang, then add the vanilla essence and whisk again..and decorate as per your liking.
before decorate the cake please make sure the cake are completely the cream cheese batter tak cair.

Okay, that's all. I guess I should post more about my tested recipe here..till next time.. Tata ;)
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Okay let's proceed with the recipe, what u need are:
2 1/2 cup of flour ( I use self raising flour so no need to put baking powder)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
113 gram butter
1 1/2 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup of buttermilk - if takde buttermilk u can use a cup of susu segar + 3 sudu air perahan lemon
2 oz pewarna merah @ lebih kurang 4 tbsp
1 teaspoon of cuka + soda bikarbonat
For cream cheese frosting:
2 cream cheese ( I use Philadelphia )
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup of castor sugar ( u can adjust according to your preference)
How to do:
For cake, as usual, whisk the butter and sugar hingga kembang and add vanilla essence and kacau lagi.
Then add egg, one by one
Add pewarna merah and kacau till kaler merah sebati
Put 1/3 of flour+cocoa in the butter mixture and pukul hingga sebati and add half of buttermilk ( repeat this process until u finish up all the flour n buttermilk )
Lastly add the soda bikarbonat yg telah dicampur cuka tadi and kacau hingga sebati.
Bake about 30-40 minutes with the 175 celcius degree.
For topping, whisk the butter, cream cheese and sugar hingga kembang, then add the vanilla essence and whisk again..and decorate as per your liking.
before decorate the cake please make sure the cake are completely the cream cheese batter tak cair.

Okay, that's all. I guess I should post more about my tested recipe here..till next time.. Tata ;)
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
I just did a so-called therapy a couple of days ago...heeee..this is my first time making an online purchase directly from the US steps.. i was so nervous, takut items ordered tak sampai Malaysia. before this i selalu beli from personal shopper je.. time tu jakun..hihi.. i've ordered blouses and a pants from try with a few items first..kalau tak sampai takde la rugi banyak kira gamble tau..
At that time Old Navy is having a massive sale, if im not mistaken sekarang pun still ada sale lagi..up to the price is quite reasonable.. i choose item yang on sale je..hihi..i sangat kedekut okay.. Now i have to wait for a few days more for my items to arrived at my US address.. then lepas tu baru boleh ship to Malaysia.. i really hope it will turn out okay..if all items arrived safely so next time i wanna buy a lotttttttttt of blouses and other things directly from merchant.. buy in bulk gitu so that i dont have to go to shpping mall for at least 6 months...heee..hmmm, that sounds interesting..i shud deal with them carefully so i wont do any mistake anymore..
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