About the lipstick, so far i have no complain about M.A.C lipstick.. i love it!..but the price of their lipstick has slightly increased than before by RM2.. oh, how i hate the increase in price of things i love!..im not happy with it, seriously!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
About the lipstick, so far i have no complain about M.A.C lipstick.. i love it!..but the price of their lipstick has slightly increased than before by RM2.. oh, how i hate the increase in price of things i love!..im not happy with it, seriously!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Actually dah lama nk blog about this cuma tak sempat nak blogging cos internet is so damn slow like siput sedut...terkemut-kemut I nak upload gambar.. So, ni nak cerita pasal items yang I ordered a few months back. Its a fitflop n victoria secret thingy.. Items actually sampai on scheduled date cuma the Citylink Express boy don't found my address padahal their office is quite near to my house.. Actually they did call me tapi time tu tak sempat nak angkat n I missed the call.. i dont't expect the call tu from Citylink so I just ignored it. A few days after I went to their office and asked them about my parcel.... Thankkkkkk God it still there.. So I just collect them anyway.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Simple Tiramisu..
250g cheese cream Philadelphia
200ml whipping cream
100g gula kastor
Biskut Lady's Finger secukupnya (but i use butter shortbread coz kat Tesco kb xde lady's finger)1 sudu teh Nescafe + secawan air panas
Serbuk koko
Cara-caranya adalah:
1. Putar cream cheese & gula sampai kembang.
2.Then putar whipping cream sampai kembang.
3.Campurkan cheese cream and whipping cream and putar sampai sebati.
4.Celupkan shortbread dalam air nescafe tadi n susun je dalam mangkuk kaca.
5.Put a layer of cream cheese+whipping cream tadi till cover the shortbread/biskut.
6.Taburkan serbuk koko(guna ayak tepung je)
7.Repeat 4-6 sampai abis bahan2 tadi..
8.On top of the Tiramisu tu boleh la hiaskan dengan strawbery..
ok siap..senang je kan...eh lupa nak bagi tau..lepas semua siap cover dengan morning wrap tu and letak dalam peti ais..ni dia finish product nya....
Amacam? nampak yummy tak?...ni baru first time buat..ok dah..nak gi mandi dulu..dah bau hapak nih...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lets dreaming!!

Chanel:Black Maxi Flap in Lambskin GHW(eh betul ke ayat I ni??)
Bag ni pun nak jugak, tak kira.. Lagipun custom duty kan dah takde, so boleh la melenjan a few other..muahahaha!
I so want this hottt car, cantik kan kan??* lap air liuq*...kalau tak dapat yang ni pun tak pe..

Beli jer yang ni..hehehe...alaaaa, pejam mata jer la bayo...
In my dreams...oh bilakah my dreams nak come true nih..bosan dah dok asyik berkhayal jer... tapi rezeki setiap orang Allah swt bagi berbeza-beza dan tentunya kita kena usaha untuk dapatkannya..takde benda datang bergolek..ok dah watamat, I nak pegi berusaha jap...hehehhehh
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Red Velvet for first timer...
I bake this cake all by myself okayy... I got the recipe after trying very hard googling about the red velvet recipe..*ok, tipu..xde la hard mana pun..I just click2 pakai jari jer...ehehhhe... Cara nak buat cake tu very easy peasy jer.. Yang time nak apply the cream cheese memang xmenahan, berpeluh kemain ya ampun..memang tobat letih la..
When my mum saw this cake dia memang terkejut dengan kemerahannya yang very the obvious ittew.. Tapi ending nya my mum la yang paling banyak makan.. sedap katanya..cream cheese nya sangat rich okay.. If sapa2 nak try sila google sendiri yer, i malas nak taip the recipe.. Okay, watamat....Selamat mencuba..
Friday, September 17, 2010
Syawal come again...
For me, this is my second time I menyambut Syawal as a wife.. oopps, sorry guys..gambar my hubby have to be blurred.. he's to shy to reveal..
Sambutan raya I macam biasa jer, ala kadar..hmm, nothing much cuma ada benda yang buat I sedikit terkilan.. Well, i'm not gonna blog about it..ok, end of my raya story.. So, how's your raya celebration peeps???
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I want I want FitFlop sequinn black colour yg macam kat bawah ni..oh pehlisss!!.. tp tengah fikir whether to buy it online or get it straight away from Isetan kan sonang...
FitFlop. Get a workout while you walk.
FitFlop footwear is biomechanically engineered to help tone and tighten your leg muscles while you walk in them. Studies at the Centre for Human Performance at LSBU show that normal walking in FitFlop sandals(1) can help:
- increase leg, calf and gluteal muscle activity,
- improve your posture,
- simulate aspects of barefoot walking but with more muscle load,
- improve muscle tone.
FitFlop sandal wearers have also reported relief from plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, chronic back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis, RLS (restless leg syndrome), scoliosis and degenerative disc disease.
So ladies, if nak body chantique liuk melentok ..get a pair of it for u too!..jom jom...hehheh ;)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
At the time we just arrived KL terus gi check in but bilik takdak la pulak cos ramai arabians datang bercuti lorrr.. Bukan xde bilik langsung tapi tinggal yang RM1000++ per day...sayang duit lah bayar mahal2, baik buat beli handbag Miu Miu kan kan?hehe
So we're headed to Ampang.. Kitorang stay kat area Ampang lah cos KL nyer hotel penuh dgn pak2 mak2 arab..
Mase jenjalan kat klcc punyer la nk vouge konon kononnye gi pakai heel so terkedek-kedek la I jalan cos sakit kaki yang amat..kate pun shopping kan, harus lah I masuk sane sinun.. Sebab dah tak tahan sakit kaki terpaksa la beli sandal lain yg ala-ala comfort gitu..
I bought this sandal from Ninewest....hikhik..propah jer cakap nak sandal yang comfort padahal yang tinggi melanguk jugak la yang aku beli..at least aku beli wedges, kira ok la tu boleh pakai terus untuk jenjalan kat kl tapi sakit kaki tak hilang2 jugak..
Betul wa cakap sama luuu, kaki memang sakit giler ah sampai malam tu aku urut dengan minyak dulu before tido tapi tak kurang pun sakit dia..uhuk uhuk...ni la penangan jenjalan tak hengat dunia.. Lepas balik Kota Bharu jer kaki aku dah ok sket tapi aku maintain jer *tipu* sebab dah dapat melenjan shopping.. I rela tahan sakit kaki u kalau shopping!auww! ;)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hmm, pusing la otak aku dok pikir pikir nak pakai ape.. Takpe, nanti dah decide which one to use, I'll give the review pulak yekk... Anyway, packaging for Kiehl's tu nampak menarik kan kan kan???
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
It is very usual for every husband I think.. kalau bini beli handbag baru je mesti nak kutuk..padahal depa nak suh bini depa stop buying handbag..hihi...then macam2 la ayat2 sakti yg depa keluarkan..sigh..
Friday, July 2, 2010
Amacam??? ok tak?...ko jangan kate xok plak..aku dh order n bayar siap2.. awal2 order benda ni aku xbagi tau kat hubby pon.. takut dia marah la... ;p....then yesterday baru aku bagi tau dia... waaa!dia siap jegil2 bijik mata la kat aku... kecut I tau!..naseb baik i pandai nak cooling him down..hehe...
I'm a new comer in this blogging world... at this moment I still xde follower lg..ngeh2.. so, to anyblogger or reader out there, do pay a visit wokeh.. now I am still working on my blog design and template.. so if u find it change from time to time harap maklum je la ek..daaa!